When creating a NEW HABIT, you first need to…
Have a plan – Decide what habit you want to build. Ask these questions:
What one think if you did it consistently and persistently well, would significantly improve your professional and personal growth?
What one thing, if you did it consistently and persistently well, would help close the gap between the company’s values and reality at work?
It’s easier to create a new habit than break/stop an old habit. So, look for new habits to replace bad/old ones.
Attach pain and pleasure
Why do you want to build this habit?
How much better would things be if you develop this habit?
Pain – what do you stand to lose if you don’t build this habit?
Pleasure – What do you stand to gain by building this habit?
Build accountability
Develop a feedback mechanism – a simple chart where you mark when you are successful, when you aren’t, when you fall back into a bad habit, and when your victorious.
Get an accountability partner – to encourage, support and keep you honest in making progress.
Internalize truth
Meditate or reflect on your day.
Memorize truths you can call up when failing or frustrated with the process.
Motivation sayings and old adages are very helpful like “people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.
Train consistently
Many psychologists tell us to practice new habit for 21-days for it to become truly a habit, something we do without thinking.
Practice until it becomes second nature and you are not thinking about it anymore; you are just doing it.
Credits: Achieving Authentic Success by Dr. Ron Jenson and Future Achievement PLE Platform www.futureachievment.com